Investigation underway into forest loss for palm oil in Leuser Ecosystem

The Indonesian government’s palm oil company PT Perkebunan Nusantara (PTPN) I has responded to recent revelations published by Rainforest Action Network that lowland rainforests have been cleared within its plantation, PTPN I Blang Tualang, with a statement of commitment to being a guardian of the forests of the Leuser Ecosystem.

Aerial image of critically important lowland rainforests inside and adjacent to PTPN I Blang Tualang’s palm oil concession in need of protection. October 2018.

Will PepsiCo Drop Indofood?

Will PepsiCo drop Indofood? Despite having commitments to no deforestation and no exploitation, PepsiCo is partnering with a company proven to be clearing rainforests and abusing workers’ rights.

Thousands of Indonesians Protest Against Major Gold Mine Threatening Leuser Ecosystem

Between April 9th and 11th, thousands of Indonesian protesters demonstrated against a proposed gold mining operation in front of the Acehnese Governor’s Office in Banda Aceh, as community members have also forcibly evicted mining company employees, effectively stopping the contested gold mining activities and operations in Beutong Ateuh Banggalang Sub-district.

Thousands protest in front of Aceh Governor Office,