UPDATED: Follow Up from the Frontlines

UPDATE: RAN has now been able to provide over $400,000 in grants to frontline and Indigenous-led organizations in the Amazon region since last year’s fires, thanks to RAN supporters!

Fires Week of Action 2020

We’ve teamed up with allies around the world to hit hard the brands and banks responsible for driving tropical deforestation and to support the communities directly impacted by this devastating destruction. Here are four ways you can help us stop the fires and put an end to the big business of burning, this week and beyond!

Who’s Funding Forest Destruction?

Half the people in the world have bank accounts — but what are the banks doing with all that cash? Banks have been financing fossil fuels for decades, but most people don’t realize that they’re also bankrolling forest destruction. Their dollars are literally fueling the clear cutting of the world’s rainforests for palm oil, pulp and paper, soy and beef. That’s why we must stop the funding of forest destruction.

Biodiversity — Earth’s million-piece puzzle

The forests of the world are “biodiversity hotspots,” places where we can find an extraordinarily high number of unique species — including species that are currently threatened with extinction in the wild. But biodiversity is so much more than just the sum total of individual species, which is why we have to protect places like the last tropical rainforests, stretching from Indonesia to the Amazon, with all that we have.

Baby elephant walking

Rigged Games

The Tokyo 2020 Olympics and its corruption scandals are directly tied to rainforest destruction: The Games’ timber supplier Korindo was “allegedly engaged in questionable deals” as they bought up rainforests in Indonesia to harvest timber and develop palm oil plantations. But to date, the Tokyo 2020 organizers have failed to disclose how much Korindo wood they used, rejected six complaints we brought against them over their use of Korindo wood, and only partially disclosed where the wood was sourced from.

Fresh Evidence: Major Global Brands Refuse to Stop Sourcing Fire-Fueled Conflict Palm Oil, Despite Promises

A palm oil producer, exposed for illegally slashing and burning forests, continues to sell its Conflict Palm Oil to suppliers for major brands like Nestlé, Colgate-Palmolive, PepsiCo, and Procter & Gamble despite their commitments to end deforestation for palm oil by 2020. Our latest investigations expose these brands’ failure to stop forest fires and deforestation in the Leuser Ecosystem.

Great News for Sumatran Rhinos

Sensitive lovers, the fate of the smallest and hairiest of the world’s rhinoceros now rests in the protection of its last habitat within the globally important 2.6 million hectare Leuser Ecosystem in Indonesia. The ultimate survival of these shy, forest rhinos now depends on the protection of their habitat and success of a new rhino sanctuary.