Our strategy works!
You moved Nestlé!

You did it! We pressured Nestlé to own up to its impacts on forests and communities! Now candymakers Mars, Mondelēz, and Ferrero MUST step up and follow suit!

Destroying Lives and
Stealing Land

Forest destruction, criminalization, crop destruction, murder… these are only some of the crimes that have been found on these plantations, and pulp and palm oil that come from these plantations are still finding their way into our food and packaging…

Conservation Breakthrough for the Leuser Ecosystem?

Multiple long term conservation efforts reach fruition with localized solutions  After years of grassroots organizing, field investigations, worldwide media coverage and high profile corporate pressure campaigns, we at Rainforest Action…

The Need for Free, Prior and Informed Consent

An Evaluation of the Policies and Standard Operating Procedures of Ten Major Corporate Groups involved in Forest-Risk Commodity Supply Chains in Southeast Asia

MUFG: No. 1 Asian banker of the climate crisis

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) –- the parent company of Union Bank in the U.S. — is Japan’s largest bank. It’s not only financing the construction of more coal plants…

Why are banks and investors still funding Indofood?

This month, 10 banks committed another $2.1 billion in loans to Indonesian noodle giant, Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur – whose instant noodles rely on Conflict Palm Oil produced by its…

Illegal Logging and Road Construction for Palm Oil Pushing Endangered Species to Extinction in the Leuser Ecosystem

Newly collected evidence by Rainforest Action Network field teams exposes that rampant logging, land clearance and road construction for oil palm plantations is leaving endangered Sumatran orangutans fighting for life in isolated forest patches in a region known as the ‘orangutan capital of the world.’ Despite repeated exposés chronicling the controversial practices of both palm oil companies named here, to date, among major palm oil buyers, only Unilever has announced that both companies are on its suspended supplier list. Nestlé, Mars and Mondelēz have failed to publicly respond or issue lists of their suspended suppliers in the Leuser Ecosystem.