The election is just one day away, and while everyone is busy refreshing poll numbers on favorite election websites, I thought I’d forward a link to a new website that lists the political contributions of some of the biggest corporations in the world. GoodGuide has exhaustively researched political contributions of hundreds of corporations, many of which are corporations that RAN has engaged in campaigns, including Ford, GM, Staples, Citi and Bank of America. Take a minute and peruse to see where the money you spend goes.
Here’s GoodGuide’s description of it’s project:
With the 2008 presidential election just days away, do you know which political parties your favorite companies support?
For the first time, GoodGuide, in partnership with the Center for Responsive Politics, brings you detailed information on the political contributions of the companies you buy products from everyday. View the political contributions of these companies and learn how they vote with your dollars. Once you see this surprising information, it may literally change how and where you shop forever.
Get started now at!
If you are a Democrat, switching your toothpaste could actually help Barack Obama and Joe Biden. And if you are a Republican, switching your shampoo could help John McCain and Sarah Palin!
Learn which way your favorite brands lean politically, and then share this information with your friends (or host it on your blog). To learn more, visit
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