After an incredible decade at Rainforest Action Network, Lindsey Allen stepped down as executive director in January of 2020.
She served as executive director from 2013 until 2020, pressuring and inspiring some of the world’s largest corporations to protect rainforests, human rights and the climate. A veteran environmental and social justice organizer, Lindsey has spent her career preventing commodity expansion into globally critical forest areas, and has played a central role in achieving some of the most significant corporate policy commitments to protect forests over the past decade.
In her previous role as the director of RAN’s Forest Program, Lindsey led RAN’s Rainforest Agribusiness and Rainforest-Free Paper campaigns in their fight to stop palm oil and pulp and paper expansion into Southeast Asian rainforests. During Lindsey’s tenure, the Forest Program won groundbreaking protections for forests, the climate, and human rights in Indonesia from fashion to agribusiness to publishing sectors.
You can read more about Lindsey’s decision to make room for new growth at RAN here (