Example Campaign Page Using Many Features

Suspendisse nisl ex, hendrerit id vestibulum volutpat, venenatis imperdiet elit. Donec suscipit, leo ut lacinia condimentum, ante nisi hendrerit velit, vel tincidunt libero mi eleifend mi. Quisque pellentesque fringilla tellus, sit amet laoreet eros pellentesque quis. Maecenas nec dui eget sem imperdiet lobortis id sed magna. Fusce ac mauris lobortis, placerat ante non, laoreet felis. Phasellus vestibulum libero non imperdiet posuere..

Long Isun berjuang mempertahankan hutan Kalimantan yang terancam hilang

Read this article in English >> ウェブサイトの日本語版はこちらから >> Masyarakat Adat Long Isun merupakan komunitas yang berada di garis depan perlawanan deforestasi di Borneo. Selama lebih dari satu dekade, Masyarakat Adat…

Long Isun Fights for Borneo’s Vanishing Rainforests

For more than a decade, the community has fought logging and palm oil development on their ancestral land, which is home to one of the last intact rainforests in Indonesia’s East Kalimantan province. The community is fighting to protect some of Borneo’s last intact rainforests from companies connected to Mondelēz and Procter & Gamble — and they need your help.

Hutan adalah diri kami sendiri

Masyarakat Adat di Indonesia sedang memperjuangkan wilayah adatnya — perjuangan mereka menjadi kunci dalam upaya menjaga kelestarian hutan. Read this article in English >> Read this page is Japanese >>…

The forest is part of us

The Pargamanan-Bintang Maria community in the province of North Sumatra, Indonesia can trace their roots back to about 125 years ago. The three Batak clans (Marga), Sitanggang, Simbolon and Lumban Gaol, migrated there during Dutch colonial times and were given the land by the ruler Partuan Nahoda Raja with the promise to never transfer its rights.

Make Top Ramen Deforestation Free

Nissin Foods sells around 1.5 billion servings each year of its globally popular Top Ramen and Cup Noodle products, but the company has long suffered from a lack of transparency in its supply chain and Conflict Palm Oil in its products. Tens of thousands of concerned citizens across Japan, the US and the world are speaking up against Nissin Foods, and RAN is helping lead the way!

Follow the Lead of Frontline Communities

For over 35 years, we’ve fought to preserve forests, protect the climate, and uphold human rights. Fighting against systemic injustice and partnering with Indigenous and frontline communities have been core values at RAN since our founding in 1985, because we believe that only if human rights and Indigenous rights are respected will we be able to keep forests standing and protect our climate.

Provide Direct Funding to the Grassroots

Since 1993, RAN’s Community Action Grants program has distributed more than 5 million dollars in grants to more than 400 frontline communities, Indigenous- led organizations, and allies, helping their efforts to secure protection of traditional territory in forests around the world and helping to keep carbon in the ground.

No New Fossil Fuel Projects: Halt Pipelines and Terminals

Indigenous and frontline activists are leading the fight against fossil fuel infrastructure threatening their communities, habitat and the climate. We could be on the road to a new energy future if we simply redirect the money slated for fossil fuels into sustainable alternatives. Big banks need to stop investing in dirty fossil fuels, violating Indigenous rights, polluting sacred waterways, and destroying the global climate, and start funding the future.

Follow the Money Behind Deforestation

Banks are directly financing the fossil fuel industry and their dollars are also literally clear cutting the world’s rainforests for the production of palm oil, paper and pulp and soy. It’s a double whammy on the climate and a triple danger for Indigenous and frontline communities. That’s why RAN is ramping up the pressure on some of the world’s largest banks and financiers.

RAN protests MUFG Union Bank